Welcome to Foxtrot Breedables Classified Beacons!
What is a classified beacon?
It’s a way to list your foxtrot pets/plants for sale!
How much does it cost?
Beacons are NO COPY/NO MOD and are 10L each, including your first-week listing.
Where would people see those listings at?
On the Beacons Page
How does it work?
Once the beacon is rezzed, and you place a Foxtrot with a VALID ID number on the top, you can click the device for its menu.
The menu has a few buttons:
All listings: This is the leading classified page showing you all pets using a beacon.
Renewal: Toggle the automatic renewal flag between on and off. (renewal allows for auto debiting if you wish to let your listings keep going)
Allow DEBIT: Tells the system to request DEBIT perms from the owner. (Only to be used on recurring listings (L$5) and the start of new listings (L$10) )
List Pet: The user can list a classified ad for the pet above the beacon.
Sizing: Allows for the resizing of a beacon.
Note: Users who select “Allow DEBIT” should follow up with “Allow access” on the following permission request dialog.
After debits are allowed, the user menu is:
Renewal – as above
Sizing – as above
If you select List Pet, you will initially see a dialog indicating the listing cost (free (first time) or L$5) and the renewal cost or a message saying it will not renew.
You are then asked if you wish to list the pet, with a Yes/No option set.
Once the pet is listed, the available dialog menu becomes:
Renewal – as above
Stop Listing – when selected, will cancel the current pet listing manually. (No refund for stopped listings)
Sizing – as above