Streex Foxtrot
Chief Executive Officer
Streex started Foxtrot breedables in 2017 with a dream of a breedable that didn’t eat, get sick or die, and the creation of the first Funny Ferret happened. Since 2017, Seb has worked harder to promote inclusive breeding and has released eight different breedable pets.
Streex is not only a coat designer but a back-end web developer, graphic designer, and lead customer service for the company. He is the final say in all decisions.
SilencezZzz Mistwalker
Chief Operations Officer
What can we say about this cool cat? He’s great, always helpful and chipper, and happy to help you with any questions.
Red Kitten Mistwalker
Foxtrot Manager – Marketplace & Customer Service
Legacy Name: Misky Xaron
Red has been with Foxtrot Breedables for a long time. She’s an avid bunny breeder and animal lover. She runs a Real-Life Pet rescue called Red Kitten Rescue. She’s happy to help with your customer service needs.
Raven Callisto le Livre
Lead Coat Designer
Legacy Name: Raven Callisto
Raven is Seb’s Wife in Second Life.
Raven is the lead Coat designer for Foxtrot breedables and makes MOST of the coats and textures you see on the grid, sometimes with Seb’s help.
While she does try to be helpful when she can, she is not a customer service representative.
Mumbles Hubbard
Customer Service
BlastedInternet Resident
Mumbles is why our company exists, she got us with the best team on the grid, and she continues to help offer great support and a friendly welcome on our sim.
Logon Mistwalker
Customer Service
Logon is our newest customer service helper! If you need help, Logon is always happy to help you or give you a little pick-me-up! He’s also our official Dinkie Ambassador!